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go by [name]
go caso
go cock-fighting
go commando
go coocoo
go cuckoo
go cunny-catching
go doddling
go domestic
go doodling
go down
go down a storm
go down and do tricks
go down for
go down for whomp
go down on (someone)
go Dutch
go facemaking
go feed the goldfish
go fishing
go fleshing it
go fly a kite
go foomph
go for
go for a horizontal jog
go for a snake's hiss
go for in a big way
go for in a great big way
go for in large helpings
go for it
go for plenty
go caso
go cock-fighting
go commando
go coocoo
go cuckoo
go cunny-catching
go doddling
go domestic
go doodling
go down
go down a storm
go down and do tricks
go down for
go down for whomp
go down on (someone)
go down route sixty-nine
go down the linego Dutch
go facemaking
go feed the goldfish
go fishing
go fleshing it
go fly a kite
go foomph
go for
go for a horizontal jog
go for a snake's hiss
go for in a big way
go for in a great big way
go for in large helpings
go for it
go for plenty